Dog Walk Happy:
Our Story...

In the winter of 2009 I was a stay-at-home mom with a 3 month old baby girl named Luci and a year old Springer Spaniel named Dougal. Dougal needed lots of exercise so I started taking him to the off-leash dog parks in the Durham Region. I would have Luci in the stroller or on my back and we would hike the trails and play in the rivers. It was then that I, along with the help of my step-father and marketing specialist Paul MacMartin, decided I would market myself as an off-leash dog walker and take other dogs on these fun and invigorating off-leash parks so they too could share in the joy of freedom from the leash or a fenced in yard.
I put out flyers and soon had my first few dogs to walk -- my first 'clients' consisted of a chocolate lab, a couple of yorkies and a boxer. They would all come with me and Dougal and Luci to the parks. They became a pack when they were together and they followed me - their pack leader!
I have always loved animals and especially dogs. When I was three my parents brought home a year old pug puppy named Honey. She was my constant companion for 12 years. Since then I have been involved with dogs volunteering for animal shelters and then becoming a trained vet tech before I started college.

Soon I was walking dogs at the parks full time and still the calls came from people all over the area who wanted their dogs walked off leash on the trails. Happy to oblige I hired another walker/pack leader, and then another and another.
There were too many dogs now to walk on public parks so we leased some land from a farmer so we could accomodate all the doggies in Durham Region who wanted to be pack walkers with us.
It's now 2023, 13 years later and we now have a gorgeous, spacious, 60 acres for dogs to play with their packs and pack leaders.